Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Tool, Korn, Deftones, Incubus and Linkin Park, these are some of my favourite musical groups they are something I can always take the time to listen to. I am not a big fan of rap or anything emo. I like music that is good something you can really jam with and that has good meaning. Something with good guitar solos inspiring lyrics and something that doesn’t get old after you hear it 5 times.

These groups bring music that can always make me feel better when I am down, they also can uplift an environment such as a party. The music these people put out is music that can really speak to you and can be very deep. Not only that but all these musicians are actually really good and not all stuck up about being famous. They really like to give back to their fans.

I am yet to go to a live concert which is really disappointing but I know when I finally do it will most likely be one of these bands. The one thing these groups have in common is there music isn’t just a bunch of none sense like some music can be. Their songs actually having thought behind them and have a purpose, which is something that can make a good song a great song.

Anderson Silva

You could say he is the most dominate fighter in UFC history. In his 7 fights in the UFC he has only been in the octagon for about 30 minuets. He has finished all his fights and even more impressive is that they were all finished before the end of the 2nd round.

Anderson took the middle weight title from Rich Franklin at UFC 64 in 2006, since then he has defended his title 3 times against Nate Marquardt, a 2nd right against Franklin and former PRIDE light heavy weight and middle weight champion Dan Henderson.

2 weeks ago Silva made a statement to all fighters in the light heavy weight division, when he moved up in weight and took on James “The Sandman” Irvin knocking him out at 1:01 of the very first round. Anderson could be the first person in UFC history to hold two different belts in two weight division, and he could very well go down as the greatest fighter in UFC history.

Why lil Wayne SUCKS

I have to admit that I do like a very few of lil Wayne’s songs, he isn’t the worst rapper alive. But he is so full of him self and half of his songs are beats copied from other people. Sometimes his rhymes don’t even make since, he just makes up words that can keep his flow going.

His style of rap is different from everyone else’s which is a good thing, but I have to disagree when people say he is the best rapper alive. I am not that into rap to begin with but I know he isn’t the best rapper alive. I think that if he and Eminem were to rap against one another lil Wayne would get showed up. Really what makes lil Wayne not likeable is how he rarely uses his own beats. It’s not very creative as an artist to just copy everyone else

Lil Wayne was recently arrest, he was charged with passion of weapons and drugs. This is very pathetic, if you’re making the amount of money he would be making why you would do something so stupid like that. Your life is set and you can very well do what ever you want why something like that will end you

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Broken Bones

I will be 19 years old in less then 2 weeks, and to my surprise and have yet to break a single bone in my body. This is surprising because of all the stupid dangerous things I have done in my life time. Not only have I done things that I should have been very hurt doing and walked away untouched but not being hurt has caused me to continue doing stupid things. I guess I haven’t learned my lesson yet.

In the past 4 years I have done so many irresponsible things and haven’t been seriously hurt yet. For example, I have rode shopping carts down hills hitting stumps at the bottom to flip the cart, I have rollerbladed down my roof on the ground not breaking any bones, I have jumped out of the 2nd story of a barn on to a sand pile and tried to surf down it, I have had joust matches with hockey sticks and bikes starting at opposite sites of hills riding down and trying to knock the other person off. These are just a few things I have done lately and not been hurt. I am sure if I keep doing stupid stuff like this karma is going to catch up to me and leave me with a pair of broken legs maybe even worse.

As long as I am able to hold my self up and walk I am sure that I will keep doing stupid stuff like this to pass the time. There really isn’t much to do where I live and it makes me wondering if this is the reason why I am always trying to hurt myself doing stupid things with my stupid friends. These may be dumb activates we do but it really is a lot of fun and is a joy to watch later on video.

Working At A Fishery

You might think that working in a fishery might be one of the worth jobs ever. Well you would be mistaken; my job is one of the easiest jobs I have ever had. This is mostly because my supervisors are all younger then 25, and like to have fun along with get the job done.

All I really do is both weigh up and pack fish to sell to other companies, or scale fish for cutters to cut into fish fillets. Along with that there is a lot of cleaning me do scrubbing touts and keeping the work area sanitary. This might not sound too glamorous but when you work with the people I do it makes the day go by rather seamlessly. We are always joking around and having fun while working, and just because were joking around doesn’t mean we don’t get the work done because when there is work to be done we get to it.

It may smell but after a while you get used to it and you don’t even smell it anymore. I cant wait to get a better job and make lots and lots of money but until then I am happy working at the fishery with the crew of people who accompany me, they make it seem less like work and more like just hanging with some friends.

Summer Sucks

Summer seems to get shorter and shorter each year, and for some reason to me it seems to get more boring. Its not that I don’t have fun its just it’s the same old stuff all the every time. Drinking and partying with friends, which is fun don’t get me wrong but I really am sick of it. I want to do something worth wild with my time not just sit around and drink the day away.

Its been the same ever since I got into high school. I don’t know if it’s the same all over the world and everyone is just board of doing it all over and over again. Or if its just around here that sucks so much, I really hate living in Essex county and I cant wait to leave to see what else the world has to offer for me.

I have so much I want to do and there is so much I want to see before my life expires, and I know I have to finish up high school first which is fine with me but I just cant wait until its over and I can finely leave this place and actually start living. I am sure I am still going to have to work really hard which is fine with me I love money, money is what will help me accomplish my dreams. I just really hope what ever life has in store for me it is far away from Essex county.


It can be crispy it can be chewy, but no matter what the texture bacon is always good. Only taking about 5 minuets to fry up this is a meal that is always acceptable under my belt. If your thinking bacon is only good with eggs oh you are sorely mistaken.

Bacon goes well with almost anything; you can put in on your sandwiches, burgers, pizza, salads, subs and almost anything you can think of. The taste is something that is hard to compete with and is unmistakable. It is one of my favourite meals whether is being morning noon or night.

If I had a choice to have something to eat and put bacon on it or not chances are there would be bacon and lots of it. It may not be the healthiest food there is to eat but it surely is one of the best tasting. If your not having heart trouble or high cholesterol I suggest frying up a pan of bacon it will make your day that much more enjoyable.