Monday, July 28, 2008

Star Wars The Force Unleashed

September 16 2008 is the set release date for Lucas Arts latest Star Wars game The Force Unleashed. In this game you play as Darth Vadars secret apprentice. Vadar sends you around the universe to get ride of the reaming Jedi hidden around the galaxy. What makes this game different from other Star Wars games is that now you have the power of the force at the end of your finger tips, and not only that your force powers are juiced up which makes you able to do things never seen in a Star Wars game before.

This game starts in between episode 3 and 4, and being Vadars secret apprentice not even the Emperor knows of your existence. Vadar hopes that with training you can help him over through the Emperor, throughout the game you are faced with different decision that will eventually change the out come of the game

Two new game engines have been created entirely for the force unleashed. Digital Molecular Matter and DMM give the AI in the game the ability to react as if they were real people. Interacting with their environment to help there situation and help over come what they are facing. This means you enemies in the game will be smart for example if you pick up a storm trooper with the force and through him over the ledge DMM will tell him that he has been thrown and to grab on to the rail so he doesn’t fall off.

Second is Euphoria which has to do with the environment around you for example, wood splinters like wood should and glass breaks as if it would in the real world. So if you throw your lightsaber through a tree that tree will not only be cut down but it will slice at the exact spot u hit and act as if it were a real tree.

These new innovations will certainly be used in future games to come and will make game play have another level of reality. For gamers this is very exciting because as a gamer we look for the most entertaining games and this game really seems like it can deliver on the fun level.

1 comment:

Mr. Lynn said...

I can't wait until the Dark Knight comes out on PS3. I was a little late getting on the train, but I'm currently going through a mean Guitar Hero III phase.