Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Working At A Fishery

You might think that working in a fishery might be one of the worth jobs ever. Well you would be mistaken; my job is one of the easiest jobs I have ever had. This is mostly because my supervisors are all younger then 25, and like to have fun along with get the job done.

All I really do is both weigh up and pack fish to sell to other companies, or scale fish for cutters to cut into fish fillets. Along with that there is a lot of cleaning me do scrubbing touts and keeping the work area sanitary. This might not sound too glamorous but when you work with the people I do it makes the day go by rather seamlessly. We are always joking around and having fun while working, and just because were joking around doesn’t mean we don’t get the work done because when there is work to be done we get to it.

It may smell but after a while you get used to it and you don’t even smell it anymore. I cant wait to get a better job and make lots and lots of money but until then I am happy working at the fishery with the crew of people who accompany me, they make it seem less like work and more like just hanging with some friends.

1 comment:

Jasmine122 said...

Wow thats intresting.Ive never heard of anyone i know being a fisherman. I guess thats a really cool job.Not my type though.