Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Broken Bones

I will be 19 years old in less then 2 weeks, and to my surprise and have yet to break a single bone in my body. This is surprising because of all the stupid dangerous things I have done in my life time. Not only have I done things that I should have been very hurt doing and walked away untouched but not being hurt has caused me to continue doing stupid things. I guess I haven’t learned my lesson yet.

In the past 4 years I have done so many irresponsible things and haven’t been seriously hurt yet. For example, I have rode shopping carts down hills hitting stumps at the bottom to flip the cart, I have rollerbladed down my roof on the ground not breaking any bones, I have jumped out of the 2nd story of a barn on to a sand pile and tried to surf down it, I have had joust matches with hockey sticks and bikes starting at opposite sites of hills riding down and trying to knock the other person off. These are just a few things I have done lately and not been hurt. I am sure if I keep doing stupid stuff like this karma is going to catch up to me and leave me with a pair of broken legs maybe even worse.

As long as I am able to hold my self up and walk I am sure that I will keep doing stupid stuff like this to pass the time. There really isn’t much to do where I live and it makes me wondering if this is the reason why I am always trying to hurt myself doing stupid things with my stupid friends. These may be dumb activates we do but it really is a lot of fun and is a joy to watch later on video.

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