Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer Sucks

Summer seems to get shorter and shorter each year, and for some reason to me it seems to get more boring. Its not that I don’t have fun its just it’s the same old stuff all the every time. Drinking and partying with friends, which is fun don’t get me wrong but I really am sick of it. I want to do something worth wild with my time not just sit around and drink the day away.

Its been the same ever since I got into high school. I don’t know if it’s the same all over the world and everyone is just board of doing it all over and over again. Or if its just around here that sucks so much, I really hate living in Essex county and I cant wait to leave to see what else the world has to offer for me.

I have so much I want to do and there is so much I want to see before my life expires, and I know I have to finish up high school first which is fine with me but I just cant wait until its over and I can finely leave this place and actually start living. I am sure I am still going to have to work really hard which is fine with me I love money, money is what will help me accomplish my dreams. I just really hope what ever life has in store for me it is far away from Essex county.

1 comment:

Mr. Lynn said...

I appreciate the honesty here. But I don't endorse the drinking part. It sounds like you need to spread your wings young man. Save your cash and TRAVEL. See the world. Take some risks. Don't rot your life away wishing for something more.